There are two things that set Boyce Body Werks apart from all other collision repair centers;
We are independently (not corporately) owned. Our name is on the door and we take great pride in our work. 99.8% of our customers state they would refer us to friends and family.
We work for YOU our customer, WITH your insurance company, not FOR your insurance company.
In Illinois, it is your 100% YOUR choice who repairs your car. Your insurance company might strongly recommend or steer you to one of their preferred shops. Direct Repair Programs (DRP‘s) that insurance companies have in place are not for the benefit of you, the consumer. They are a way for the insurer to maintain control of the repairs, fix prices, and keep their costs to a minimum while maximizing their profits, not your safety.
Many collision repair facilities promote their DRP relationships with insurance companies. What most consumers don’t know is these shops have agreed to concessions dictated by their insurance partner. In return, their insurance partner will continue to send them work. Some of the concessions these shops agree to:
Repair cars that should be totaled
Repair panels that should be replaced
Use junkyard parts instead of new
Use counterfeit parts instead of original equipment parts
Weld-on used structural panels
Push to have your car repaired as quickly as possible, with no regard to quality, to save them money on rental fees
At Boyce Body Werks we have chosen NOT to be a part of most insurance direct repair programs. Due to the fact it is NOT in our customers’ best interest. We work for YOU, WITH your insurance company, not FOR your insurance company. We will always be YOUR advocate to ensure your car is repaired with safety and quality in mind.
Often insurance call centers use scare tactics to persuade customers to use their DRP shop. They might tell you it is your right to have any collision center repair your car, but if you don’t use their DRP:
Your repairs will not be guaranteed
Other shops will charge you more
Repairs will take longer
We have always guaranteed our workmanship for the life of your car. For all standard insurance company repairs, there will be no cost difference to you. The repair might take a day or two longer because the insurance company has to send out one of their adjusters, whom we will work with to ensure a quality repair on your behalf. If we feel the car can not be safely repaired, we will fight for you to have the car deemed a total loss.
If you still decide to have a DRP repair your car, request to see their signed agreement with the insurance company and carefully review their repair procedures and parts requirements. Is that how you want your car repaired?
Additional information on DRP’s and Insurance Steering